
Anorak News | British Army Unveil New ‘Sexy’ Anti-Taliban Uniform: Red Hackle Tartan: In Pictures

British Army Unveil New ‘Sexy’ Anti-Taliban Uniform: Red Hackle Tartan: In Pictures

by | 5th, January 2010

TO the Black Watch Regiment’s Balhousie Castle museum in Perth on the Regiment’s annual Red Hackle Day for the unveiling of the new Red Hackle tartan. Fact: The Red Hackle Tartan takes its name from the distinctive red plume worn by the regiment’s troops. Originally made from red vulture feathers, the Red Hackle has been worn exclusively by the Black Watch since 1822. This is how the war on terror will be won – Our Girls and Boys flashing their skirts, thighs and a hint of knickers, seducing the enemy out of their holes and away from dreams of 72 virgins as inexperienced in adult hobbies as they are to be easily slaughtered. The Taliban don’t stand a chance – Tally-show!:


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The new Red Hackle tartan and plays in the snow at the tartanÕs unveiling at the Black Watch Regiments Balhousie Castle museum in Perth on the Regiment's annual Red Hackle Day. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Picture date: Tuesday January 5, 2010. The Red Hackle Tartan takes its name from the distinctive red plume worn by the regiment's troops. Originally made from red vulture feathers, the Red Hackle has been worn exclusively by the Black Watch since 1822. See PA story SCOTLAND Tartan. Photo credit should read: Andrew Milligan/PA Wire

Posted: 5th, January 2010 | In: Reviews Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink