
Anorak News | Global Warming Kills Ski Chalet Market

Global Warming Kills Ski Chalet Market

by | 18th, January 2010

GET a load of all that snow. But the Observer’s Graham Norwood senses disaster, telling his readers that no snow is bad for business:

Ski property faces meltdown as global warming chills the market

You want the facts?

There are no authoritative figures on the international ownership of ski homes but between 2004 and 2007, around 70% of all flats and chalets sold in one large resort in the French Alps were bought by Britons, and dozens of British estate agents market ski properties in Europe and North America. Now they – and the developers behind the resorts – are trying to avoid this lucrative market being consigned to history.

Dang that snow recession. The Indy already consigned snowfalls to the dustbin of weather.

Meanwhile, over in the Alps – snow’s up!

Posted: 18th, January 2010 | In: Reviews Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink