
Anorak News | British Crocodiles Recognise Names And Hold Conversations

British Crocodiles Recognise Names And Hold Conversations

by | 23rd, January 2010

5377692FURTHER proof that British crocodiles are a superior breed of mini-cab driver’s shoe in the Telegraph, wherein we learn that two “British crocodiles have been taught to recognise when a keeper calls their names”.

And, no, the keeper isn’t always holding a huge dead chicken by the throat as he yells “Simon” and “Cheryl.”Sometimes he just calls them over for a chat. French crocodiles remain petulant and thick.

To The Blue Planet Aquarium at Ellesmere Port, Merseyside, to meet Paleo and Suchus, where aquarium manager Tom Cornwall is happy to talk up his captives:

“They are very intelligent and started responding to their names in just a few days.”

How very clever. Once trained, though, then what?

Once fully trained, the aquarium’s zoological team will set up “enrichment activities” for the pair.

Well, Jonathon Ross has left the BBC, so a chat show looms. And then there’s Britain’s Got Talent.

“As well as enabling us to approach them and inspect and treat any potential health issues it will also allow us to set up tasks and foraging exercises for them to mimic the types of behaviour they would have to use in the wild.”

Did you get that? Using their names enabled the handlers to get up close. Crocodiles, specifically the Cuvier’s dwarf caiman, are sticklers for etiquette. You cant’ just go chucking live animals in the pen without first saying a “how do you do?” and exchanging pleasantries. Only then can you fondle their genitals for signs of wear and tear.


Posted: 23rd, January 2010 | In: Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink