
Anorak News | Tories Lobbied By Eco-Bullies: A Letter From Clark County

Tories Lobbied By Eco-Bullies: A Letter From Clark County

by | 25th, January 2010

GLOBAL warming is big news. It’s getting smaller, what with the glaciers not melting all that fast. But cliamte change, as it as rebrnaded, is huge. James Delingpole spots how the Conservatives are being “bullied” by eco-drones.

He spots a “nauseating email” currently being sent out to Conservative candidates.

Note that these emails do not come from a named organisation but from individual voters in each of the different prospective parliamentary candidates’ constituencies.

Dear Breather:

Date: 2010/1/22
Subject: Conservation Query

Dear Edwin Northover

I was concerned to note the results of a survey of 140 Conservative candidates for parliament that suggested that climate change came right at the bottom of their priorities for government action.

I hope you can reassure me that you recognise the importance and success of climate change action by the UK government at home and internationally.

Can you clarify that:

You accept that climate change is caused by human activity?

Do you support the target to achieve 15% renewable energy by 2020?

Do you support the EU imposing tougher regulation to combat climate change?

Kind Regards…

Delingpole sums it up well:

One would like to think that any true Conservative’s answer to all these questions would be “No.” Or better still, a two-word answer beginning with “F-” and ending with “Off.” Unfortunately, that would be to confuse Dave Cameron’s current crop of brainwashed, career-safe, Blair-lite, eco-fluffy, Kool-Aid drinkers with the genuine article.

Tories looking green in the gills. As for who is writing thse lettes, well it scold any anyone in any palce. Global warming is a world problem, like Clark County

Yo, Dave…

Posted: 25th, January 2010 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink