
Anorak News | Man Blows Up Wife With Explosives In Domestic Row

Man Blows Up Wife With Explosives In Domestic Row

by | 27th, January 2010

husband-bombIN Thailand, a row between a man, Phen Buntham, and his wife, Saijai Buntham, ended when the man, a quarry worker, detonated a batch C-4 plastic explosive.

The couples home was destroyed, as were they.

Mr Phen’s job at the quarry involved him taking care of explosives. Mr Phen took some of the explosives home.

In the area:

Villagers in neighbouring sub-districts up to 50km away reported hearing the explosion. With Bor Rai District lying along the Thai-Cambodian, many residents thought fighting had broken out between the two countries.

No. Just a domestic…


Posted: 27th, January 2010 | In: Strange But True Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink