
Anorak News | World Cup 2010: Germany Plan To Attack

World Cup 2010: Germany Plan To Attack

by | 28th, January 2010

rangers_nazi_salute_israel_2ANORAK’S Countdown to the World Cup continues with the Daily Star’s first German-bashing headline of the season:


Ja, fussbull fanz:

“Germany is set to kick up a Reich stink at the World cup by playing in Nazi-style black shirts.”

Reading that the mind is filled with images of the German XI dressed in black shirts with skull and crossbones insignia on the chest, trendy zig-zag flashes down the shorts and, very possibly, monocles.

It turns out the Germans are wearing a dark nylon-blend top with gold numbers, red neck trim and white shorts. Short-sleeved. The Star says it’s a “goose-step” too far, evoking memories of the “notorious SS”, famously bad sports.

The Germans are vying for world domination once more in zer famous black shirts. But – chin up, Tommies – last time they lost in the final.

Here’s to England taking the World Cup, albeit with a little help from the Americans.

Posted: 28th, January 2010 | In: Sports Comments (7) | TrackBack | Permalink