
Anorak News | Michael Jackson V Conrad Murray: Court Case in Pictures

Michael Jackson V Conrad Murray: Court Case in Pictures

by | 9th, February 2010

MICHAEL Jackson in pictures: Every the showman, Michael Jackson uses doctors and drugs to make a spectacle of his own death and keep the show live for months. The latest instalment sees Dr. Conrad Murray face arraignment in the Los Angeles County Superior Airport Courthouse on charges of involuntary manslaughter in the singer’s death. Murray is remanded into custody and held on $75,000-dollar bail. And once more the fans come to watch the show: Michael Jackson 1990 -1999; Michael Jackson 1980-1990; Michael Jackson Pre-1980; Michael Jackson’s Funera:


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Attorney Ed Chernoff, the attorney of Conrad Murray, speaks to the media after Murray's arraignment on involuntary manslaughter charges outside the Los Angeles Superior Court Airport Branch Courthouse February 8, 2010. Murray, Jackson's doctor, on Monday pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter in the sudden death of the pop star last year from a lethal cocktail of drugs.

Posted: 9th, February 2010 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink