
Anorak News | The Palestinians Become The Na’vi

The Palestinians Become The Na’vi

by | 14th, February 2010

4351874000_fb7f5777ec-400x266LAST week, protestors in the the village of Bil’in dressed up as the Na’vi from James Cameron’s Avatar film. Says the report:

Five Palestinian, Israeli and international activists were painted blue, with pointy ears and tales, resembling the Avatar characters.

Like Palestinians, the Avatars fight imperialism, although the colonizers have different origins. The Avatars’ presence in Bil’in today symbolizes the united resistance to imperialism of all kinds.

In the sequel the Na’vi will take on Hamas and Hizbollah and the plans for a greater Iran…

Posted: 14th, February 2010 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink