
Anorak News | Susan Boyle To Deliver Queen’s Speech

Susan Boyle To Deliver Queen’s Speech

by | 25th, February 2010

susan-boyle-beheadedSUSAN Boyle is the Queen. The story goes that last week, Boyle was journeying from Paris into London with Andy Stephens – feel the love – when she passed by bowing Eurostar staff.

As we know, all Eurostar staff are made to bow to all British travellers, it being the default position, a pre-emptive apology for delays, snow and the buffet.

An “onlooker” at the Gare du Nord station tells the world:

A rumour went round that the queen had arrived to catch a train back so everyone was told to observe royal etiquette.”

The Queen is forever taking return trips to Paris by Eurostar. The fear is that one day she will delayed there and what with history and all claim France for her empire of be beheaded.

“It soon became clear it was Susan – and not Her Majesty – but one train attendant still thought she was the queen. Susan roared with laughter when she realised the mix-up.”

Meanwhile, the Hairy Queen had a dream, and a speech to write…

Posted: 25th, February 2010 | In: Celebrities Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink