
Anorak News | New York Governor David Paterson Drops Out

New York Governor David Paterson Drops Out

by | 26th, February 2010

patersonNEW York’s black, blind and beleaguered Democrat governor David Paterson will not seek re-election.

He wanted to. He announced that he’d run. But support was thinner than Victoria Beckham’s diet sheet.

Pateson rose to the job after Gov. Eliot Spitzer resigned after he was caught using a prostitution ring.

On the day after his appointment he admitted using cocaine and he and his wife had a series of affairs, and did what any shrewd politico would do: he asked for forgiveness. The alleged crack-head then allegedly carried on as before. There are rumours of womanising and drug use.

Paterson denies it all. He’s now free to spend time with his lawyers…

Paterson says a New York Post story, carried on January 30 – he was caught by state police in the governor’s mansion cavorting with a woman other than his wife – is untrue.


Michelle Paterson, the wife of 55th New York Governor David Paterson, had an affair. Michelle Paterson and David Paterson revealed much New York Daily News in a PR-led response to allegations that Paterson had used state funds to pay for sex with a woman he was not married to.

Posted: 26th, February 2010 | In: Politicians 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink