X Ray Of Kalim Ali’s Rectum Impaled On A Meter-Long Metal Rod
MEET Kalim Ali, aka Rod, who has been impaled on a 1.5cm thick, 1metre-long metal pole that has passed through 10 organs. Rectum, small intestine and lungs are pierced. No major blood vessels are ruptured.
Ring Piece
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Simon Hooper, wanted a ring for his girlfriend so he went to a jewellers and ate one. Hooper An X-ray image of the ring was produced – and Hooper told officers it was a piece of foil. A few days in the cells, a high fibre diet, and the ring appeared. Hooper got 12 weeks chocky. And some lucky girl got a sh**y ring…
Posted: 27th, February 2010 | In: Strange But True 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink