
Anorak News | Ryan Shawcross Badly Breaks Aaron Ramsey’s Leg And Gets Called Up For England

Ryan Shawcross Badly Breaks Aaron Ramsey’s Leg And Gets Called Up For England

by | 27th, February 2010

AARON Ramsey’s career is in the balance. Arsenal’s Welsh footballer is the victim of a horrific foul. And the man who might have ended his career at just 19 years of age, anti-football team Stoke City’s Ryan Shawcross, is minutes after the match called up to play for England. Hey, if he maims a foreigner that’s ok. They don’t like it up ’em. Says Arsene Wenger: “When you see a player of that quality getting injured in the way he did, it’s not acceptable. That is not what I like in the game. I refuse to live with that. Spare me the articles about how nice Shawcross is, please.”


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Referee Peter Walton (left) and Stoke City's Glen Whelan (right) wave for medical assistance after Arsenal's Aaron Ramsey (centre) lies injured after a challenge by Stoke City's Ryan Shawcross

Posted: 27th, February 2010 | In: Sports 6 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink