Farrah Fawcett’s Cancer Show 2: Getting Redmond O’Neal
CONTROVERSIAL Hollywood actor and father Ryan O’Neal is being restricted from visiting his and Farrah Fawcett’s son Redmond in drug rehab, while the young drug addict has been banned from any more home visits that could impede his recovery, writes Tabloid Baby.
The young ginger O’Neal left his one-year program at the Impact residential drug treatment center today for a courtroom progress report in Los Angeles and to hear Judge Michael Tynan tell him:
“You were faking it the last time you were at Impact. You weren’t sincere. You have to take a hard look at your life.
“Right now, pal, you are still in trouble. I’m going to ask Impact to eliminate any home visits, you agree with that Mr O’Neal?”
Redmond replied: “Yes your honor.”
RadarOnline.com quotes Redmond as saying, “I’m doing better this time.”
The 25-year-old also told People:
“I’m doing great. I am focused on my recovery and plan not to let anything get in the way. I am doing my best to make my mother proud.”
His attorney Richard Pintal added:
“Redmond has kicked it up, and the progress report reflected that.”
It was the father, Ryan O’Neal, who took the hardest shot in court when Redmond was denied home visits, along with being restricted from visiting with his son. This is especially difficult for the 68-year-old actor in light of his professed plans to include footage of Redmond amid his struggle with drugs in his planned sequel to the NBC special Farrah’s Story – TB
Redmond’s next court date is set for April 7th…
Posted: 4th, March 2010 | In: Celebrities Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink