
Anorak News | James Bulger And Jon Venables: The Killer Is Identified

James Bulger And Jon Venables: The Killer Is Identified

by | 5th, March 2010

JAMES Bulger and Jon Venables: THE twists and turns of the Strange Case of Jon Venables – or whoever he is now – got a little darker and dirtier yesterday when the Prime Minister backed the system which is keeping the joint murderer of a two-year-old hidden from the public, writes AGW.

James Bulger Case in pictures

Venables is said to be terrified and sticking to his cell in the prison we can’t name for fear of identifying him. He was booked in under his false identity and prison officers were not told who they were dealing with. According to the tabloids today, prisoners already know who he is and the beard Venables has been growing did not hide him..

The Premier Gordon Brown’s argument is the Rule of Law must prevail.

There is no Law which allows British citizens to have false identities.

It is a government artifice:

1. a clever trick or stratagem; a cunning, crafty device or expedient; wile.
2. trickery; guile; craftiness.
3. cunning; ingenuity; inventiveness: a drawing-room comedy crafted with artifice and elegance.
4. a skilful or artful contrivance or expedient.

Dark, dirty, grubby and beneath what any decent human being should allow to happen in their name. That does not include politicians who have more faces than the Koh-I-Noor Diamond.

James Bulger Case in pictures

Venables’ fears, a dangerous position or even the blaring headline this stupid little protection racket is going to cost another £250,000 are not the real concern.


Two questions have to be answered:

1. Will the expense of this sort of exercise mean senior police officers will not recall Venables NEXT time he (or one of the many others) commits a breach of licence – on current form there will be a next time because he should already have had his collar tweaked several times – for fear of getting a Whitehall black mark themselves?

2. At what point does it become clear the system has failed?

False identities are a sticking plaster. They peel off. There have been large protests outside homes thought to have been occupied by individuals such as Mary Bell and Maxine Carr.
True or false, right or wrong, those individuals have been moved on.

The Home Secretary Alan Johnson will be smarting because of the severe slap downs he has been given by the Prime Minister and Justice Minister Jack Straw but he is correct: the public has a right to know.

James Bulger Case in pictures

It may be be a simple question of announcing when the information will be given.

There is no justice in secret systems and the government has no business to be in that game.

The wheels of Justice are said to grind exceedingly slowly.

This time the wheels are perilously close to falling off.

If these protection schemes are a Law issue, their legality should be decided by the Courts…not politicians.

Jon Venables’ Girlfriend, A ‘Stabbing’ And A Politically Incorrect Jack Straw

James Bulger: This IS Jon Venables

James Bulger’s Killer Jon Venables: Pictures And Sickening Detail

James Bulger Case in pictures

The Moral Panic That Created The Independent Safeguarding Authority

Posted: 5th, March 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews Comments (21) | TrackBack | Permalink