Jesus Luz Talks About The Univese Called Madonna: Interview
JESUS Luz is not only Madonna’s personal Jesus he is also a man with a mind. Get this of when he and Madonna met:
“I believe in the force of attraction. It was two energies that met, two minds that connected.”
One mind was his; the other’s hers.
“With all this attention, it is a real temptation to feel superior. So, for me, it’s really good that my friends says, ‘You are still a cool guy.”
You want more from the man who remains “very down to earth” despite dating Madonna and being named Jesus? Well, there is more, because Grazia is talking with the model and DJ.
Madonna And Jesus Luz Create A Baby Quicker Than Malawi: Very NSFW
“I always liked being a relationship. It’s difficult to meet a young girl who has a mature head.”
So he’s dating a mature girl with a young head – a work in progress.
But what of that modelling? Jesus says that when he met Madonna on a shoot for W magazine he knew he’d made it. It was his first shoot for a “renowned” magazine. A door had opened.
“I just did what I had to do. I was more thinking, ‘What can I do to get the next job.”
Then he started dating Madonna and “his modelling career is thriving”.
“A DJ for less than a year, he is already playing some of Brazil’s biggest clubs.”
Says Jesus:
“Many times I have asked God why he has given me so much. But I think that’s what happens in anyone’s life when the universe conspires to make it happen.”
It’s good when the universe is on your side. That’s the universe called Madonna…
Madonna And Jesus Luz Create A Baby Quicker Than Malawi: Very NSFW
Posted: 10th, March 2010 | In: Celebrities 4 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink