
Anorak News | Clues To Jon Venables’ Identity And James Bulger Story In Pictures

Clues To Jon Venables’ Identity And James Bulger Story In Pictures

by | 15th, March 2010

JON Venables, one of James Bulger’s killers, has been moved to a “SAFER JAIL”. We know this because the Mirror screams from its front page:


Safer for whom

James Bulger: This IS Jon Venables

JON Venables has been transferred to a new jail to keep him safe from other prisoners.

That was inevitable. Readers learn that Venables is in isolation. He is guarded by a hand-picked team of 20 prison officers who are “sworn to secrecy”. But this is tabloid nonsense. All prison guards must sign the Official Secrets Act.

James Bulger Case in pictures

As the prison warden’s exployment contract states:

* All Civil Servants owe duties of confidentiality and loyal service to the Crown. This means that you are required to exercise care in the use of information which you acquire in the course of their official duties and to protect information which is held in confidence. You are also subject to the Official Secrets Act 1911 -1989.

Is the Mirror implying that not all screws comply with the law and their contracts of employment?

A hand-picked team of 20 officers are guarding Venables. They refer to him only by his prison number and have been ordered not to identify him. A source at the new prison said: “He has been brought here because we have the experience of dealing with high-risk prisoners.

A prison experienced in dealing with prisoners, eh. Still, can we get some clues as to where Venables is? And, note: he’s the new chap in isolation:

The Prison Service has gone to extraordinary lengths to keep Venables’s presence secret. The special jail isolation unit is one of only four in the UK.

Jon Venables’ Girlfriend, A ‘Stabbing’ And A Politically Incorrect Jack Straw

A clue.

Venables has access to a TV, washing machine, fridge, bathroom, shower and toilet.

So no Playstation? What about access to child porn, what Venables is alleged to have been in possession of? Sky News tell us:

James Bulger And Jon Venables: The Killer Is Identified

Justice Secretary Jack Straw is being pushed by senior advisors to take the ‘easier option’ of leaving the case in the hands of the parole board to stop ‘lurid details coming out in full Technicolor’ in court, it was reported.

Ministry of Justice sources said yesterday ‘no decision had been made’ over prosecution for breaking his parole conditions.

There has been no decision because the law has no idea what to do. The default position is to dissemble and consult the rule book.


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Local people read about the release of the killers of James Bulger in the Liverpool Echo newspaper, outside the Strand shopping centre in Bootle from where James was abducted by Venables and Thompson. The killers of toddler Jamie Bulger were preparing to be released. *The Parole Board ruled that they should go free. The board ruled that Robert Thompson and Jon Venables, now aged 18, were no longer a danger to the public after spending eight years in secure accommodation. But the decision has sparked anger among campaigners who wanted the pair to serve longer sentences.

Posted: 15th, March 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews 8 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink