
Anorak News | So why does Boris Johnson want to headbutt Ed Balls?

So why does Boris Johnson want to headbutt Ed Balls?

by | 17th, March 2010

Well what do you think the Mayor of London feels most passionate about?

Ending child poverty?
Ensuring quality healthcare?
Helping people avoid repossessions?

Nope – it is teaching Latin in schools.

He wrote in his Telegraph column (which he gets £150k a year for)

“There are times when a minister says something so maddening, so death-defyingly stupid, that I am glad not to be in the same room in case I should reach out, grab his tie, and end what is left of my political career with one almighty head-butt,” said the mayor, renowned as a passionate classicist. “Such were my feelings on reading Mr Ed Balls on the subject of teaching Latin in schools.”

All Balls said was that very few parents were asking for Latin in schools.

As Labour MP Emily Thornberry put it this morning

“Perhaps if Boris Johnson cared as much the pressing needs of London as he does about Latin there would be lower bus fares, no cuts to police numbers, no cuts to tube ticket office staff and a much smaller list of broken manifesto commitments.”

But no – it is all about preserving a language which hasn’t been taught in many state schools for decades.

Is this the mad ramblings of an out of touch politician who knows little of the issues that people have to deal with in the real world? Or is teaching them Latin the only way to bring the kids to their senses?

Spare us.

More here…

Btw £150k would prob keep at least three more Telegraph journos in jobs or enable the paper to start another ten or so blogs.

Just a thought

Posted: 17th, March 2010 | In: Reviews Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink