
Anorak News | Heather Mills And The Making Of A Media ‘Lie’

Heather Mills And The Making Of A Media ‘Lie’

by | 1st, April 2010

IS the media interest in the Heather Mills v Sara Trumble shaping the tribunal? Are the parties playing to the hacks?

Mills claims her relationship with her former nanny went bad when she refused her £4,000 to undergo breast enlargement surgery. Trumble lawyer says that’s not so. Mills replies:

Heather Mills – The Funny Ones

“I had a breast reduction when I was 21 and I couldn’t pick anything up for weeks because it was so painful. I didn’t criticise her wanting to have a breast enlargement, I just felt it would have been wrong of me to help with something that could have been a reaction to her boyfriend or her hormones.”

The lawyers says:

If this tribunal finds that you lied about that, would you agree that this is a despicable thing to do?”

And the media reacts with hundreds of headlines entitled:

Heather Mills denies telling lie

Heather Mills denies boob job lie

The words “lie” is repeated over and over and over.

Tribunal judge Steven Vowles told Mr Fairweather to move on as he was not asking a proper question,

The case is not concluded and the word lie is being highlighted. Is the media shaping the tribunal?

Deborah Orr sums it up best of all:

Mills counters that she treated Trumble “like a daughter”, which does make one wonder when Trumble’s own nanny will be offering testimony.

And breast-feeding…

Heather Mills – The Funny Ones


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Heather Mills reads a statement to the media on leaving Ashford Tribunal Centre in Ashford, Kent, as the employment tribunal brought against her by her former nanny Sara Trumble continues.

Posted: 1st, April 2010 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink