
Anorak News | Look What It Did To Kimora Lee Simmons’ Head: Photoshop Wonders

Look What It Did To Kimora Lee Simmons’ Head: Photoshop Wonders

by | 5th, April 2010

KIMORA Lee Simmons is a model and Creative Director for – get this – Phat Fashions (pronounced ‘Fat’). Kimora Lee Simmons is an ad campaign for her’ new smell called Dare Me.

You can see the images on N.Y. Magazine and WWD.

One whiff of Dare Me and you don’t eat for a week. Your head grows so massive and fleshy that your body looks lithe and toned. Allegedly.

It’s the miracle in a can…


Posted: 5th, April 2010 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink