
Anorak News | In Pictures: US Prepares To Attack Iran From Diego Garcia

In Pictures: US Prepares To Attack Iran From Diego Garcia

by | 19th, April 2010

PLANS for war between Iran and the US mount. Having told you about Bunker Buster Bombs being sent to Diego Garcia in readiness for the US attack on Iran, we spot Mahmoud Ahmadinejad posing with even bigger weapons at Iran’s annual army day parade.

Bunker Buster Bombs To Diego Garcia As US Prepares To Attack Iran

He wants us to see his missiles capable of hitting US and Israeli targets.

The Iranian nuclear programme moves on. Strike now before Ahmadinejad’s Iran gets the bomb? Why, yes. The bunker buster is a Massive Ordnance Penetrator. It weighs weighs 15 tonnes and can burrow through 200ft of reinforced concrete before exploding.

The US military forward planning department is making its move.

Says Ahmadinejad:

that no enemy will harbour evil thoughts about laying its hands on Iranian territory… They have to leave our region. This is not a request. It is an order from the nations of the region.”

US defence secretary, Robert Gates, General James Jones, Barack Obama’s top adviser on foreign affairs, says the Obama administration has no clear idea what to do with Iran’s nuclear ambitions. The memo is “leaked”.

John McCain seizes the chance and says:

I didn’t need a secret memo to know we didn’t have a coherent policy. That’s pretty obvious.”

Says the White House:

“This administration has been planning for all contingencies regarding Iran for many months.”

Indeed. And now the media knows with leaked media and announcements, the PR war can be waged. Who’s up for war with Iran? And how can you made to want it..?

Scott Hinderaker, of Powerline, asks:

“Why would anonymous officials leak word of a highly classified memorandum suggesting that the administration has no policy beyond what has proved to be empty talk? These apparently well-informed officials must think that we have something to worry about.”

Marc Ambinder says the leaked memo “ought to be read in the context of complaining or urging the administration to create the political will to legitimately exercise those options.”

Well, yes…


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Foreign and Commonwealth Office handout picture dated 04-04-06 of Noel Rabouine opening coconuts, on the Salomon Island of Boddam, part of the Chagos archipelago, issued Thursday April 6 2006. Mr Rabouine, a former plantation worker on the island, was among a group of islanders, evacuated against their will 40 years ago to make way for the Diego Garcia US military base, taking part in a tour of the islands organised jointly by the British and Mauritian governments in co-operation with Chagossian community leaders. The group, numbering nearly 100, was made up of evacuated islanders and their descendants. During their visit they tended family graves and unveiled a stone commemorating the visit. Watch for PA story.

Posted: 19th, April 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink