
Anorak News | Real Life Spider Man Rescues X-Men Omnibus From Baddie

Real Life Spider Man Rescues X-Men Omnibus From Baddie

by | 4th, May 2010

AT the Adelaide Comic Centre, man is attempting to steal an X-Men Omnibus. It is said to be worth £100. Centre owner Michael Baulderstone leaps into action. Dressed as Spider Man – not his usual attire but a celebration of International Free Comic Day – he issues a challenge: hand it over or else.

In the store, 40 superheroes look on. The would-be thief issues no riddles and puts up no fight. Had he been dressed as the Green Goblin then things may have been different. But he was not.

Says Spidey:

“Everyone in the store thought it was a play, that it was street theatre of some sort. It wasn’t until I said ‘Call the police’ that people started to realise.

“One of the funniest things about the incident was that I called for people to stand near the door. It just so happened we had people dressed as Jedi Knights there blocking the exit, the Flash was there at some point too.”

Meanwhile, back at the store…


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Spotter: Bat E Bird

Posted: 4th, May 2010 | In: Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink