
Anorak News | Tiger Woods, The ‘Vulnerable’ Coudriet And Schooled In Jaimee Grubbs

Tiger Woods, The ‘Vulnerable’ Coudriet And Schooled In Jaimee Grubbs

by | 5th, May 2010

HOLD the back page, the front page, the back page, the pages in Holes (one of the world’s leading golf contact mags!) and know that Tiger Woods did not sleep with 120 women. No. The Enquirer claims the number is 121. And he putted them all while married to Elin.

Inside, and the headline goes:


Which means that instead of looking at the bulk, we wonder about the missing one. She’s called Raychel Coudriet. And news is that he will not “admit” to shagging the then 21-year-old.


Image 14 of 53

The Enquirer says she was a “vulnerable school-age daughter” of his neighbour in Orlando, Florida.

British readers may read that, eye the pages of strumpets that make up our daily diet of news and screws, frame it in the education system and the number of young unemployed and wonder what is going on in the US?

At 21, any self-respecting British gel has shagged her age in men, scored an Asbo, appeared on Jeremy Kyle 3 times and tied the boot laces of at least seven Premier League footballers.

Is the US so lagging behind that a 21-year-old is not only still at school but “vulnerable”. Has Raychel Coudriet been kept down a few years in class? What of Jaimee Grubbs, the 24-year-old who claims a 31-month affair with Woods? Was she equally vulnerable?
The magazine says Woods has known Raychel since she was 14. This injects the story with a whiff of something nasty.

It’s desperate stuff.

The problem is that the Tiger Woods story involves so many non-entities is fails to click. The girls keep on coming but their repetition dulls the original scandal. Woods is the only person of note in the shag-a-thon, and he’s as charismatic as, well, a leading golfer.

Posted: 5th, May 2010 | In: Sports Comments (3) | TrackBack | Permalink