
Anorak News | Election News Round Up: Cameron Meets The Queen And Brown Stays

Election News Round Up: Cameron Meets The Queen And Brown Stays

by | 10th, May 2010

THE Election fail continues to entertain the media. And because all the hacks know now all about the country’s constitution, the laws and the deals, readers can get all the facts.

Daily Star (front page): “IT’S GORD RIDDANCE”

Con-Lib deal kicks Brown out of No 10

So, Gordon Brown has gone. Fact. It’s at times like these that we turn to the organ of historical record, like Automated Trader:

UK Election update: Talks between Tories and Lib Dems to continue today

Monarchists Seize Power: Prince Harry Gets His Wings In Pictures

The Telegraph rubs its chin and observes:

Five of the last seven American presidents have been left-handed, as well as David Cameron, the Conservative leader.

Such are the facts. Anyhow, back to Brown.

The Sun (front page): “BROWN MONDAY”

“Fears for £ as Gord hijacks Lib talks”

The pound is shafted, Right?

Forex Pros:

The pound rose against the U.S. dollar on Monday, erasing some of its recent losses after Britain’s Conservative and Liberal Democrat parties said they were close to agreeing on a deal that would allow David Cameron to take power.

Or as the Mail’s ridiculous Peter Oborne puts it:

As Britain wakes up this morning to financial markets in turmoil, the need for stability and strong government has seldom been greater.

And the need for decent journalism based on facts remains negligible, Peter?

Can Cam pull the rabbit out of the hat?

David Cameron, the Conservative leader in the race to become the next prime minister of Britain, met the Queen dressed as a rabbit – in a school play staged 35 years back. Cameron, then eight, participated in a production of Toad Of Toad Hall at Heatherdown School in Ascot, Berkshire, in 1975. He played Harold Rabbit.

What next for Brown?

The Best And Weirdest Election Pictures: A Gallery

Daily Mirror (front page): “CONDEMN NATION”

“Brown launches last-ditch fight to keep Cameron out”


“And even Labour MPs wasn’t Brown out NOW”

Or as the Independent says:

A series of “back-channel” negotiations were taking place across the weekend between the parties. One source familiar with the discussions said a broad anti-Tory coalition was a serious option – but depended on Labour having a new leader. He said: “Propping up Gordon Brown would be toxic, but once he goes things become much easier. The arithmetic is very much possible.”

So, it’s the Lib-Lab pact:


Nick Clegg, the Liberal Democrat leader, has given himself until the end of tomorrow to decide whether to let David Cameron form a government, or instead risk a deal with Labour that might be seen as illegitimate by the public and jeopardise the success of a yes vote in a referendum on electoral reform.

Slugger O’Toole:

With all respect to them, a Labour-led government depending on a gather-up of 3 SDLP, 1 Alliance, 1 North Down Independent and the Nats – maybe even including the DUP for goodness sake – cannot be called stable

At last all organs can agree that Brown is finished:

Daily Mirror:

“Rivals meet but PM has last laugh..”And in a final twist on a day of covert political deal-making, it emerged that Mr Clegg had also been to the Foreign Office, where he and the Prime Minister held their own “constructive” talks.

So beleaguered Mr Brown, whom it had been rumoured would resign yesterday, instead ended the working day grinning from ear-to-ear.

And now we know why. We do? Or, yeah, we do:

Mr Brown held a clandestine meeting with Nick Clegg in the Foreign Office yesterday afternoon in an attempt to persuade the Lib Dem leader that he should form a “progressive alliance” with Labour and other minority parties.

Among other Labour figures who still consider it a possibility that the party can tie up a deal with the Lib Dems are thought to be Alan Johnson, the Home Secretary, and Harriet Harman, the deputy leader.

On a brighter note, no-one died:

Nigerian Guardian:

The manner in which the British elections are conducted is also something to be admired. The campaign lasted barely four weeks and not a single related death was reported…

We Win!

There were no fraudulent issues with ballot papers, or the outcome of the elections.

Er… Maybe not. The last word is with Matthew Parris:

If the present Prime Minister doesn’t realise that the game is up, then he is indeed the man of whom Peter Mandelson once said: “You don’t think a little thing like losing a general election will stop Gordon, do you?”

Such are the facts…


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THIS PICTURE IS A TRANSMISSION OF A SELECTION OF THE PRESS ASSOCIATION'S BEST PICTURES OF THE 2010 GENERAL ELECTION CAMPAIGN. File photo dated 28/04/2010 of Liberal Democrat Leader Nick Clegg as he leaves Oxford Brookes University during a General Election campaign visit to Oxfordshire.

Posted: 10th, May 2010 | In: Politicians Comment | TrackBack | Permalink