
Anorak News | Alex Curran And Steven Gerrard Open Their Hearts And Their Restaurant

Alex Curran And Steven Gerrard Open Their Hearts And Their Restaurant

by | 11th, May 2010

ANY lingering doubts that Steven Gerrard and Alex Curran are heading for splitsville are banished in OK!. We meet the Liverpool players and her husband in Gerrard’s new eatery, the Warehouse Kitchen and Bar. Stevie G is now in full control of the music, and Alex is billed as Alex Gerrard. Such is the love.

That would be enough to do-down those internet gossipers who claim a divorce looms. But Alex has more. She says this is the “shabby-chic” venue where Steve took her on their first date.

He liked it so much he bought the place. Alex may well be disappointed that he never took her to Asprey’s. But lasting love is about taking the rough with the smooth.

Alex says three years married to Steve has flown by. When he gets back from the World Cup, they will “probably have a second honeymoon”. Yep, they’ve only had one so far. Alex has been both understanding and patient.

But that’s love for you…

Posted: 11th, May 2010 | In: OK! Comment | TrackBack | Permalink