
Anorak News | Woman Finds Masturbating Jelly Baby In Bag Of Sweets

Woman Finds Masturbating Jelly Baby In Bag Of Sweets

by | 11th, May 2010

GET a load of that jelly baby – the two-inch sweet is in the shape of a naked man holding his pix ‘n’ mix.

The cultural artefact was discovered by Lyz Parker. She brought the little chap home from the Staine’s branch of Tesco’s in a bag of Candy King.

Sexiest Adverts (NSFW)

Says she:

“When I opened the bag I screamed so loudly the whole office came running over. I couldn’t believe my eyes.”

Screamed? For joy? Finally a little bendy man of my very own?

Says spokesman for Candy King:

“Clearly this is not part of Candy King’s assortment.”

Yeah, clearly…

Spotter (image – no copyright attributed. Let us know if it is yours and we will deal with it.)


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Posted: 11th, May 2010 | In: Strange But True Comments (11) | TrackBack | Permalink