
Anorak News | Nick Clegg’s Speech In Full Wiv Da Lol Pitchurz

Nick Clegg’s Speech In Full Wiv Da Lol Pitchurz

by | 12th, May 2010

NICK Clegg’s Speech In Full:

TONIGHT the Liberal Democrat parliamentary party and the federal executive of Liberal Democrat party have overwhelmingly accepted my recommendation that we should now enter into a coalition government with the Conservative party.

Before I say anything more about that coalition government I would like to express my thanks and admiration for Gordon Brown. He has been a towering figure for more than a decade in British politics and the manner in which he has acted over the last few days has displayed immense dignity, grace and a profound sense of public duty.


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We are now going to form a new government, more importantly we are going to form a new kind of government. I hope this is the start of the new politics I have always believed in: diverse, plural, when politicians of different persuasions come together to overcome their differences in order to deliver a good government for the sake of the whole country.

That was what we were asked to do by the people of Britain at the general election last week, and that is now what we will seek to deliver.

I would like to thank David Cameron for the very positive, constructive and workman like way in which we have been able to reach a basic agreement on how we can come together in this new coalition government over the last few days. We are politicians, clearly of different political parties, but I believe we are now united in wishing to tackle the challenges this country faces and to deliver a fairer better Britain, and I look forward to working with him to do just that.

There will of course be glitches. But I will always do my best to prove that new politcs isn’t just possible, it’s also better.

I would like to say something directly to the nearly 7 million people who supported the Liberal Democrats in the general electoin last week. I am acutely aware that I carry your hopes, your aspirations with me into this coaltion. I can imagine this evening that you will be having many questions, many many doubts about this new government. But I want to assure you that I would not have entered into this agreement if I had not been genuinely convinced that it offers a unique opportunity to deliver the kind of change which you and I would like to see: fairer taxes; a fair start in life for every child in this country; a new start for our discredited banking system and the prospect of new, sustainable growth in our economy; and a new hopeful politics that you can trust once again.

So I hope you will keep faith with us, I hope you will let us prove to you that we can serve you and this country with humility, with fairness at heart of everthing we do, and with total dedication to the interests and livelihoods of everyone in Great Britain. Thank you.

Posted: 12th, May 2010 | In: Politicians Comment | TrackBack | Permalink