
Anorak News | Before iPad And Apple A Pictorial History Of Computers

Before iPad And Apple A Pictorial History Of Computers

by | 31st, May 2010

BEFORE the iPad and apple made computing into a thing for posers and the superficial, the machines were going to save the world. They would feed penguins. They would mow the lawn. They would launch rockets and play chess. Remember Commodore Computers and the ZX Spectrum? We do. We’ve put together an archive of pictures of how computers used to be sold to the masses. It’s was high-tech boffinry. It as in black and white…


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Leslie Russell computer operator at Trans-World airlines new data communications centre in Rockleigh, New Jersey, USA, was looking to the future at her "Moon Desk" after the fwentastic success of Apollo 10's lunar mission. The company received 3,000 requests for reservations to the moon. Though there was no immediate prospect of regular lunar flights, the requests were transferred to magnetic tape for storage when TWA activated it's computerised reservations system on it's round the world routes.

Posted: 31st, May 2010 | In: Technology 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink