
Anorak News | Before iPad And Apple A Pictorial History Of Computers

Before iPad And Apple A Pictorial History Of Computers

by | 31st, May 2010

BEFORE the iPad and apple made computing into a thing for posers and the superficial, the machines were going to save the world. They would feed penguins. They would mow the lawn. They would launch rockets and play chess. Remember Commodore Computers and the ZX Spectrum? We do. We’ve put together an archive of pictures of how computers used to be sold to the masses. It’s was high-tech boffinry. It as in black and white…


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Technology at her fingertips, with a demonstration of the Keyplex computer. She was not just keeping tabs on the personnel but also recording progress and all the intricacies of business without using messy clogged up punch cards. Data is encoded direct onto magnetic tape linked to a line printer.

Posted: 31st, May 2010 | In: Technology Comment | TrackBack | Permalink