
Anorak News | Liverpool Fans Burn The Stars And Stripes: Yanks For Nothing

Liverpool Fans Burn The Stars And Stripes: Yanks For Nothing

by | 3rd, June 2010

RAFA Benitez has left Liverpool. Cancel the chorizo. And in Liverpool, the fans vent their collective spleen against American owners George Gillett Jr and Tom Hicks. The pair are as popular as a GI in your wife’s bra and knickers. The best bit about the pictures is the burning of the US flag. If this a sign that the TV news has influenced life rather than held a mirror up to it? Yankee Go Home. The Great Satan Out. It’s not often you see a flag burning in these parts…


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Liverpool fans protest against the American owners outside Anfield, Liverpool.

Posted: 3rd, June 2010 | In: Sports Comments (39) | TrackBack | Permalink