
Anorak News | Stephen Griffiths: Baby Lotion Killer Gets Revenge On Ex Lover

Stephen Griffiths: Baby Lotion Killer Gets Revenge On Ex Lover

by | 13th, June 2010

STEPHEN Griffiths: Anorak’s look at the Crossbow Cannibal in the media: introducing lover Leigh Miller, the Baby Lotion Buther, A Clockwork Orange, Son of Sam and the price of life…

NoTW: “Twisted revenge of spurned ‘cannibal’”

Leigh Miller wants to talk about her time dating Stephen Griffiths. Let’s be certain of one thing: Griffiths could pull. This is not the first ex to speak to the press. They dated for around eight months.

Those Media Scores: Derrick Griffiths (Taxi Terminator) 12 – Stephen Griffiths (Crossbow Cannibal) 3 (Maybe)

“I’d seen inside his flat where he kept hundreds and hundreds of books on serial killers. . .”

Well, he was apparently studying their lives and crimes. After they split up, Miller says Griffiths sent her a book: Confessions of Son of Sam – “a disturbing and explicit examination of New York psycho David Berkowitz who shot dead six people in 1976 and 1977.”

Sounds like a macabre yet potentially gripping read. Any good, Leigh Miller?

“It was pretty spooky and I didn’t read it. But I called Stephen and asked why he’d done it. He said I’d hurt him.”

Berkowitz killed women. The NoTW says Griffiths is accused to killing “Bradford prostitutes”. In the tabloid press, prostitutes are something other than women. Berkowitz never killed an ex-lover. But Miller felt she had to react to this “twisted revenge”:

“The next time I saw him I was with my dad and a friend, who’s a bouncer. They took him to one side and told him he’d gone too far. Nothing like that ever happened again.”

So. He was threatened? And how it is “revenge” as the NoTW says – can she read?

Stephen Griffiths: Back On The Streets

Says she:

“Stephen was quite a pretty boy as well. He used to be slim and always dressed in black with the big coat, the boots and the turtleneck jumpers. And he always smelt of baby lotion. His hair was tied back in long ringlets and he used to put baby lotion on it to keep it tight and shiny.

The Baby Lotion Butcher! Any thing, that with hindsight marked him out as a nutter?

When we were in bed I’d wake up in the night and he’d be there propped up on his elbow staring at me. Then there was his thing for Clockwork Orange. He loved the poster. I watched the film with him once but didn’t really like it.

Wow, indeed.

Lady GaGa Is Dead, Presumed Murdered In Copycat Killing (Pictures)

In other news, the Daily Star estimates:

The round-the-clock protection from an elite team of prison officers will cost taxpayers £160,000 a year.

Look out for sympathetic stories of lags trying to top Griffiths and his attempted suicide (he’s the vain alleged killer who couldn’t even kill himself)…

Stephen Griffiths: Bodies Found In The Gutters



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Posted: 13th, June 2010 | In: Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink