
Anorak News | Derrick Bird Did It For The Terminator, Love And A Dirty Kitchen Sink

Derrick Bird Did It For The Terminator, Love And A Dirty Kitchen Sink

by | 14th, June 2010

DERRICK Bird: Why he did it – Reasons No. 4312a, b and c: The spurned lover. The dirty kitchen. And The Terminator


The Daily Star is not focusing on Hon – the Thai non-bride Bird paid for – but Lorraine Nicholas. The headline tells readers:


Derrick Bird was dumped by pub cook Lorraine Nicholas after she saw the state of his kitchen

The murders billed as random are getting less so.

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Jerry Lawton tells us:

TAXI Terminator Derrick Bird shot his girlfriend’s brother after she dumped him over his dirty kitchen sink.

The Taxi Terminator is only being used by the Star. It’s not progressed.

Lorraine Nicholas, 56, gave cabbie Bird, 52, the elbow because she could not live with the filthy state of his pots and pans.

Derrick Bird: Hon The Thai Bride And More Steven Seagal

Bid went on to shoot Lorraine’s brother-in-law Don Reed – or Don Reid as the Star calls him –  a mini cab driver. The Star says it was he who introduced Bird and Nicholas.

Amazingly, Don survived the rampage that left 12 dead and 10 others wounded, but he is still in hospital.

Is he? We saw don a while ago showing his wounds.


Police believe Bird, who was obsessed with violent sci-fi revenge movie The Terminator…

Was he? He watched a Steven Seagal film the night before the murders. It was on the telly. He might also have watched the news, with it stales of blood and gore in Afghanistan.

Says Lorraine:

“The man who shot all those people is nothing at all like the man I knew… I never felt the slightest bit of threat… He was a decent fella.”

But then he went on to shoot 12 people dead. But it might have all been an accident. Get this:

Officers also think he may have shot dead his twin David, whose funeral is due to take place today, by accident as the pair struggled over his gun.

Such are the facts.


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Whitehaven taxi driver Don Reed who was shot and injured by Derrick Bird who went on a shooting rampage in Cumbria, killing 12 people.

Posted: 14th, June 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink