Anti-Viking Big MAC Muslims Fight Cheese, Wine And Frozen Sausages In Paris And London: Pictures
THE 1st Battalion Royal Anglian Regiment is marching in Barking and the Star says they are being spat on by a “hate-mob of Muslim extremists”. What’s more, the extremists are “bearded”. No, not Parisians at cheese and wine party – that later.
The Mirror is little less bothered by face fashion:
The frontline heroes were branded “murderers”, “butchers” and “baby killers” by a group of 40 men…
When Geert Wilders Came To London: Pictures
The group is called Muslims Against The Crusades (MAC). The Express reads the placards but can’t hear the taunts:
But their chants of hate were drowned out by the cheers of hundreds of well-wishers as the 1st Battalion the Royal Anglians, known as The Vikings…
Muslims against Vikings sounds better. Let’s bring it up to date, people. A member of big MAC is reported as saying:
“We are quite disgusted by the fact these murderers that raped our people are coming back and they are being honoured for doing something wrong. These people have been killing and raping and pillaging in Islamic countries and they should not be welcomed home. As Muslims, we wanted to make a stand.
The Mail sees a food fight between big MAC and the sausage (via Mark Steyn):
The hour-long parade had been delayed due to growing tensions between the two sides, with anti-Mac protestors singing God Save the Queen and drinkers at a nearby pub hurling frozen pork sausages at the Muslims…
Meanwhile over in France:
A giant “sausage and wine” party planned later this week in a Paris neighbourhood with many Muslim residents risks sparking disturbances and will therefore be banned, police in the French capital announced on Tuesday.
Oh? There is talks of a Facebook group and “anti Muslim slogans”:
The event, called an “apero geant” (giant cocktail party), was due on Friday, a date seen as highly provocative because that will be the day of the weekly Muslim prayer and the World Cup soccer match between England and majority Muslim Algeria.
So. While everyone is watching the footy, those not interested drink wine and eat the sausage? And, then, without irony:
It is also the 70th anniversary of General Charles de Gaulle’s famous 1940 “Appeal of June 18” from London calling on the French to resist the German occupation of their country.
In Pictures: English Defence League Play Unite Against Facism In Newcastle
Any more background?
The main organiser, Sylvie Francois, wrote that she wanted the event to be “a joyous protest” against the closing down of roads in the Goutte d’Or neighbourhood every Friday by Muslims praying in the street outside the overcrowded mosque there.
Sausages, wins and bile. To your weapons!
Posted: 16th, June 2010 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink