
Anorak News | In Pictures: BP Boss Tony Hayward’s Yacht Sails The Isle Of Wight’s Pristine Waters

In Pictures: BP Boss Tony Hayward’s Yacht Sails The Isle Of Wight’s Pristine Waters

by | 19th, June 2010

TONY Hayward, of BP, has his life back and in a move that is sure to play out well in the US, he’s, reportedly, on his co-owned yacht Bob in the JP Morgan Asset Management Round the Island Race, by the shores of the sunny Isle of Wight. (Although we haven’t spotted him. Still, nice boat.)

Lovely clear waters in the Solent and off the coat of Hampshire and Dorset.

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The J.P. Morgan Asset Management Round the Island Race is a chance for big swinging yachty types to congratulate themselves on not being youth workers in Hackney and poor.

We’ve got pictures. If you see Tony Hayward’s boat, give it wave – a big oily one:

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Crew aboard BP Chief Executive Tony Hayward's yacht Bob, during the JP Morgan Asset Management Round the Island Race.

Posted: 19th, June 2010 | In: Sports 8 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink