BP Boss Tony Hayward Rides The Oily Gulf Stream At Isle Of Wight Yacht Race: Pictures
EARLIER we reported that BP’s PR nightmare Tony Hayward had a yacht called Bob. The swanky boat was cutting through the Isle of Wight’s waters in the JP Morgan Asset Management Round the Island Race. ITV news reports that Hayward was in the vicinity of the yacht.
The Isle of Wight is in the English Channel – a ribbon of sea warmed by the, er, Gulf Stream. The warm water comes from the Gulf of Mexico via the North Atlantic Drift. Might it bring some oil?
The BP Oil Spill Gets A Dead Whale And Barack Obama Alienates America’s Friends
Give him a wave – a big oily one:
Barack Obama Is Less Popular Than Offshore Drilling: BP News Round-Up
Posted: 19th, June 2010 | In: Money 2 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink