Madeleine McCann Spotted At World Cup
MADDIE WATCH – Anorak’s at-a-glance guide to press coverage of Madeleine McCann: CAN Madeleine McCann somehow be linked to the World Cup and, specifically, England’s failure to win it?
Tom de Castella tells BBC online readers that she can. Roy Greenslade provides the answer:
“Make no mistake the papers set the agenda. And today we have feeding frenzies. Savage as it sounds the Madeleine McCann story sold papers and previously there was Princess Diana. The World Cup is another first class example of a feeding frenzy that electrifies the newspapers.”
Princess Diana: the dead celebrity royal
Madeleine McCann: the missing celebrity child
The World Cup: No celebrity WAGs – No ideas
Greenslade makes a good point. The tabloids press pricks your worst fears and anxieties and rubs the open sore.
But having made the point about a competitive news industry, de Castella asks Toby Young to explain how the frenzy came about:
What this frenzy is really about is fear of national decline, says the writer and broadcaster Toby Young: “In a sense it’s people’s anxiety about Britain’s waning influence on the international stage. It expresses itself in their anxiety about how England will fare in the World Cup.”
Madeleine McCann serves the nations by making Great British children rule the news agenda?
Madeleine McCann is missing. Still missing. But she was at the World Cup…
Note: David Beckham implored us to look for the media’s Our Maddie. And what good did it do? David Beckham implored England to win the World Cup. And what good did it do? If Beckham can be linked to Princess Diana, it might be he that epitomises the blood sport of an orchestrated care industry…
Posted: 29th, June 2010 | In: Madeleine McCann 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink