
Anorak News | Anna Kushchenko’s Rich American ‘Spy’ And Her Husband Alex Chapman’s Story: Pictures

Anna Kushchenko’s Rich American ‘Spy’ And Her Husband Alex Chapman’s Story: Pictures

by | 2nd, July 2010

ANNA Chapman, the alleged spy, is named Anna Kushchenko, aka Anna Tushy-chenko, given her billing as a “femme fatale” in the media. In all, 11 people are accused of spying fro the Russians in the US. But the rest have forgettable faces, features that enables them to blend into a crowd. Anna has red hair and a nice line in saucy Facebook photos.

Christopher Robert Metsos is another alleged spy. He was arrested in Cyprus but released on bail. It is alleged that the 54-year-old with the grey hair, glasses and light grey moustache supplied money to the spy ring that worked America’s suburb. He’s on the run. And he’s not all that shaggable.

So it’s back to Anna, the celebrity spook with at worst a photoshoot with a lads’ mag ahead of her and at best a range of branded spy gadgets.

“Story has ‘blockbuster’ written all over it,” said New York publicist Peggy Siegal. ” Sandra Bullock in a red wig!”

With the looks of a mid-ranking East European tennis player (female), Kushchenko once managed to capture the heart of Alex Chapman, 30, a trainee psychiatrist. He married Anna in 2002. The marriage lasted four years. In 2006, they divorced. Anna is now 28.
When they met it was…comical:

“I plucked up some courage and went over to her and said ‘I’m sorry, but you’re the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever seen.’ She turned round and looked at me and said ‘My God, so are you.’”

Nor long after, they married in a registry office. Anna’s father Vasily Kushchenko paid for a honeymoon in Egypt. They then went to stay with her parents in Zimbabwe.


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When they returned to the UK, the Chapmans set up home in Stoke Newington, north London.

After their honeymoon the couple rented a flat in Stoke Newington, where they set up a charity called Southern Union, enabling Zimbabwean expats to wire money back home at competitive exchange rates.

It was financed by a millionaire South African friend of Anna’s father who took commission on the transfers.

A millionaire in Zimbabwean currency?

Alex tells the Daily Telegraph:

“Anna told me her father had been high up in the ranks of the KGB. She said he had been an agent in “old Russia. Her father controlled everything in her life, and I felt she would have done anything for her dad. When I saw that she had been arrested on suspicion of spying it didn’t come as much of a surprise to be honest.”

Or as he then says:

“It’s just totally weird to think that my ex-wife could be involved in something like this.

So. Why did Anna end up in America? Were the secrets to be found in Stoke Newington so very dull?

“She had met a rich American man who had taken her to the States and when she came back she said she loved it.”

Russian girl meets British man and get married fast. Russian meets rich American and heads to America. You might suppose that Anna Kushchenko is less a spy than a normal Russian girl looking for a better life.

Says Alex Chapman:

“She moved over there to set up her internet property company and it always seemed to be in the red, but it took off suddenly in 2009 and she said she was employing 50 people. I couldn’t understand how she could pay them. At some point someone had pumped a lot of money into it.”

Where did she get the money from? Any news on that rich American pal?

Posted: 2nd, July 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink