
Anorak News | Angelina Jolie And Brad Pitt Star In ‘Love Is…’: Cherubs Weep

Angelina Jolie And Brad Pitt Star In ‘Love Is…’: Cherubs Weep

by | 7th, July 2010

TO all the one who have never loved, Angelina Jolie feels for you. Pray to her. Cherish her. St Angelina Jolie is talking to Parade magazine on matters of your pathetic loveless life:

“I feel sad for someone who has never known love. Love elevates. You know, Brad would joke about me having this conversation about love. Love? It’s such a funny word. Brad can find certain phrases of poetry for it. I’m terrible at it. But I know it means wanting the best for the people you love, putting their interests above your own, always. Love does that. Love is what you live for.”

Get her naked and stick her in a heart. “Love is…”, the single-frame strip, once a mainstay of the Daily Mail, needs a new awakening. And copyright Love Isn’t, which is a daily cartoon of Jennifer Aniston being smiled upon by a beatific Jolie…


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Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt attend the 2008 Film Independent's Spirit Awards held at the Santa Monica Beach, Los Angeles.

Posted: 7th, July 2010 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink