
Anorak News | Lindsay Lohan Is Not Stoned To Death In Iran – Yet: Pictures

Lindsay Lohan Is Not Stoned To Death In Iran – Yet: Pictures

by | 8th, July 2010

LINDSAY Lohan gets 90 days chockey and the chance to resurrect her film career. She weeps in court and talks to the judge of her respect. She wears the legend “FUCK U” on the end of her finger – so proving that she has more talent there than you have in your entire bodies. And then gets Tweeting:

@liana_levi didn’t we do our nails as a joke with our friend dc? it had nothing to do w/court.. it’s an airbrush design from a stencil xx

She airbrushes her nails? Is anything in Hollywood as it appears? Are those Lohan’s actual fingers or stunt fingers used to hide her nicotine-stained claws? It’s the stunt finger that told the judge “fuck u”. Lohan is innocent!

Lohan then goes on to talk about her human rights, attacking the “constitutionally perverted” justice system.

Lindsay Lohan did not drink drive and break the terms of her parole. Lindsay Lohan found a reason to further her celebrity for the greater good. Attica! Attica! Attica!

It is clearly stated in Article 5 of the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights that….
, “No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.”
this was taken from an article by Erik Luna.. “November 1 marked the 15th anniversary of the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines. But there were no
celebrations, parades, or other festivities in honor of this punishment scheme created by Congress and the U.S. Sentencing Commission….”
Instead, the day passed like most others during the last 15 years:Scores of federal defendants sentenced under a constitutionally perverted”
system that saps moral judgment through its mechanical rules.”

To to this, the international Lohan links to an article about an Iranian woman being stoned for committing adultery. She is Lohan’s kindred spirit. This other woman has yet to Tweet her reactison, but a Motorola Pebble is on it sway to her face very soon.

Lindsay Lohan is not stoned – today.

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Posted: 8th, July 2010 | In: Celebrities Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink