Kyron Horman: Desiree Young Calls Terri Moulton Horman A Liar
KYRON Horman: Kaine Horman says he believes his wife is Terri Moulton Homan is involved in the 7-year-old’s disappearance. His ex-wife, Desiree Young, says Terri Moulton Horman is a liar.
The police sit back and watch the media tears into Terri Horman.
Kyron Horman: Police Blackmail Plot And Looking After Their Own
Kaine Horman recalls when and why their marriage began to falter. (Having been told by the police that his wife allegedly wanted him dead and had approached a gardener to kill him, Kaine Horman moved out of the family home. He took with him the couple’s daughter. He filed and was granted a restraining order against Terri Horman that forbids his wife from coming with 500 feet of him or their daughter.)
Kyron Horman: Tony Young And The Failed Police Plot To Entrap Terri Horman
He now recalls for the media:
“I thought the marriage was doing pretty well until we had our daughter, Kiara.”
What happened then he doesn’t say.
“I think we’re certain that the pieces are going to fall into place at some point.”
Kaine’s lawyer has filed a motion to make Terri Horman vacate the family home.
Kyron Horman: Why Would Terri Moulton Horman Want Her Husband Kaine Horman ‘Killed’?
As he told the judge:
“I believe respondent is involved in the disappearance of my son Kyron. I also recently learned that respondent attempted to hire someone to murder me. The police have provided me with probable cause to believe the above two statements to be true.”
Kyron Horman: Desiree Young Amplifies The Whispering Campaign Against Terri Horman
The police. No proof that she did try to have him killed. He goes on:
“Part two is, we find Kyron, what are they gonna do, ship him off to our undisclosed location? I mean, how homey is that gonna be for him when we find him?”
Can’t he live with his real mum, Desiree Young, and her policeman husband, Tony? Can’t he live with Terri Horman, against whom no charges have been brought?
Circuit Judge Keith Meisenheimer set a hearing for July 22 in which Terri Horman will be ordered to show good reason why the court shouldn’t make her move out of the house.
Reason 1: Kyron might go home and want to see her there.
Unless he’s been murdered? Pull up an armchair, detectives.
Opposing Views: “Kyron Horman’s Stepmother: Do These 10 Facts Add Up to Murder?”
Well, We have no fact other than that Kyron is missing. But, still, let’s play along…
Kyron Horman: The Public Conviction Of Terri Horman And Reckless Endangerment
Given Terri Moulton Horman’s past, do you think she knows more than she’s saying about her stepson’s disappearance?
Clue 3:
Kaine once gave her a REALLY nice present. On Mother’s Day 2007 (well before the birth of their own daughter), Kaine gave Terri a candy-apple-red Ford Mustang.
Murder! Any more?
Kyron Horman: Terri’s Polygraph, The Molesting Uncle And Armchair Detectives
8. Terri has been married three times
Terri married her first husband, Ron Tarver, in 1991. In 1996, she married Richard Ecker. She married Kyron’s father, Kaine, in 2007.
All men Not murdered!
9. She was active in Kyron’s school
Terri volunteered at Skyline School (where Kyron was in second grade), and she took him to swimming lessons with James and Kiara.
Case Closed!
Kyron Horman’s parents share details about their son, the search and Terri Moulton Horman |
Terri Horman’s lawyer, Stephen Houze, said this week that neither he nor Terri would comment on the murder-for-hire allegations, restraining order, divorce proceedings or ongoing investigation.
The search for Kyron Horman goes on:
Posted: 9th, July 2010 | In: Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink