Paul Gascoigne’s Radio Appeal To Raoul Moat: Audio And Pictures
RAOUL Moat died despite the efforts of Paul Gascoigne to save him. A cabbie who picked up the former England footballer says Gazza had trouble recalling Moat’s name. Paul Gascoigne’s called Real Radio Newcastle from a location near Rothbury.
As one commenter says:
What next? Jimmy Five Bellies showing up in Helmand Province with a sausage supper and a bottle of Tizer for the Taliban?
If Gazza can save the police thousands with a simple chat, maybe the Taliban can be brought to their knees with a night out in the Bigg Market?
The interview is notable for a couple more things:
* The DJ gets no response when he calls Paul Gascoigne “Gazza” – only getting the ex-footballer to comment when he calls him Paul
* Moat could have been becalmed with a can of lager and a fishing rod.
* The media allowed Paul Gascoigne to ramble on a phone call to add a celebrity element to a story in which a man had been murdered
Posted: 13th, July 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews Comments (3) | TrackBack | Permalink