
Anorak News | Raoul Moat Is Now A Video Game: Grand Theft Auto Rothbury (Pictures)

Raoul Moat Is Now A Video Game: Grand Theft Auto Rothbury (Pictures)

by | 21st, July 2010

RAOUL Moat is now video game. Or not. The Star told its online readers that Raoul Moat was the inspiration for a version of Grand Theft Auto.

Only, the news was later removed from the Star’s site.

But there was tabloid “fury”.

The sister of Sam Stobbart – Moat’s ex-lover who hired Max Clifford to sell her story of being shot – offers a quote:

“It is sick – it’s blood money. The game is beyond belief.”

Well, yes – unless you’re Jerry Lawton looking for Moat Mania, in which case it’s game on…



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Chief Superintendent Mark Dennett briefs the media on how the closure of Rothbury is affecting local residents during a press conference in Longhorsely, Northumberland, as the search for suspected killer Raoul Moat continues.

Posted: 21st, July 2010 | In: Reviews Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink