
Anorak News | The Miss England Boot Camp: In Pictures

The Miss England Boot Camp: In Pictures

by | 3rd, August 2010

TO the Miss England Boot Camp, where the girls who will ambassador for England in the world’s ultimate beauty mall are being put through their paces.

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The current Miss England, Lance Corporal Katrina Hodge, was soon inspecting this year’s crop, among them Stephanie Pywell, the current Miss Newark who is also the current Great Britain high jump champion.

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Who wins and takes the change to run the gauntlet in the televised world show, in which the winner is the one agile enough to walk through a Tokyo train without being frotted, scale the Spanish Steps while not being goosed and being the most shaggable to the viewers at home…

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Miss England competitor Stephanie Pywell, the current Miss Newark who is also the current Great Britain high jump champion during this afternoon's Miss England Boot Camp at the Hilton Metropole Hotel, Birmingham.

Posted: 3rd, August 2010 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink