
Anorak News | Barbara Windsor Wins Freedom Of The City Of London: Career In Pictures

Barbara Windsor Wins Freedom Of The City Of London: Career In Pictures

by | 4th, August 2010

BARBARA Windsor was with her umbrella wallah and husband Scott Mitchell as went to London’s Guidhall to collect her Freedom of the City of London award. With the gong come the rights – Windsor can now legally driver her sheep across Tower Bridge, wear a Magic Roundabout Doogle toy on her head and sing ‘Cheeky Sorta’ Bird‘ at the top of her voice while exercising her chests in Stanmore…


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Barbara Windsor and her husband Scott Mitchell attend the opening night of Gone With the Wind at the New London Theatre on Drury Lane, London.

Posted: 4th, August 2010 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink