
Anorak News | Raoul Moat: Time To Rubbish Murdered ‘Cheater’ Chris Brown

Raoul Moat: Time To Rubbish Murdered ‘Cheater’ Chris Brown

by | 7th, August 2010

WITH Raoul Moat dead, it’s time to focus on the life of Chris Brown, Sam Stobbart’s lover who was murdered by the celebrated doorman. He was buried a few days ago. RIP. Not a chance.

In “MOAT VICTIM’S SECRET LOVE”, the News of The World looks beyond its paid interviews with Moat’s ex Sam Stobbart – to tell us that “Chris cheater on Samantha with teenage fiancée”.

Chris Brown is not here to defend himself. He was murdered. He is dead.

But having met David Rathband, the blinded PC shot in the face by Moat, turned Moat into a folk hero with a made-for-TV death (and video game), ogled Sam Stobbart’s scars, trawled the funeral for ghouls and advertised Shiobhan O’Dowd’s social media skills, why not rake over the last remnants of a story that died days ago by looking a murder victim’s sex life..?

Image: funeral of Chris Brown.


Image 42 of 47

Posted: 7th, August 2010 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink