
Anorak News | Cheerleading Wildcats Of Wakefield Meet England’s World Cup Hero

Cheerleading Wildcats Of Wakefield Meet England’s World Cup Hero

by | 16th, August 2010

THAT’S World Cup final referee Howard Webb posing with Wakefield cheerleaders during the Super League match at the Belle Vue, Wakefield. The Wakefield Trinity Wildcats are taking on the Warrington Wolves. There are neither Wolves nor Wildcats in either of those clubs’ home towns, but there is a decent Spud U Like in Widnes and that man who lives alone above the sweetshop in St Helens does have a pet adder. Meanwhile, Mr Webb is taking the plaudits his station as one of the best card-carrying whistleblowers in the business warrants… [Insert joke about early baths and sending them off here]…


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Football referee Howard Webb poses with Wakefield cheerleaders during the engage Super League match at the Belle Vue, Wakefield.

Posted: 16th, August 2010 | In: Sports Comment | TrackBack | Permalink