Tower Hamlets Cancels Event Posters And Creates More Mess
TOWER Hamlets council has changed tactic in its war on fly posters by slapping its own stickers with the word “CANCELLED” across the illegal adverts.
As Dean Nicholas says:
Looks like bad news for all those intotheir funky house and dirty pop, if this poster on Old Ford Road is anything to judge by. The ‘new era of club culture’ in the East End, with “massive DJ’s/PA’s” (sic) every Friday night, has been cancelled!
But it’s not the do that’s been cancelled – it’s the poster. Tower Hamlets hates bill stickers so much it is sticking bills over the, er, bills. It’s genius. Says the legal sticker:
“This poster has been cancelled by London Borough of Tower Hamlets”
Here’s the plan from Councillor Shahed Ali:
“This is a creative way to crack down on fly-posting. We’re showing would-be fly-posters that they’ll be wasting their money if they put up illegal advertisements in the borough. It can take up to 45 minutes to remove just one poster and often scraps of paper are left behind – but it only takes a couple [of] seconds [to] stick the ‘It’s Cancelled’ sticker on.”
Well, no. It’s takes more than couple of seconds to print stickers at taxpayers’ expense, and send out a man with a van to slap them on posters. And then the council will need to send out another man in a van to remove the now double-layer of stickers at taxpayers’ expense.
But it’s not all waste at Tower Hamlets town hall as that press release reads a lot like one issued by Glasgow City Council in 2007:
It can take 45 minutes to remove just one poster and often scraps of paper are left behind.
In other news, look out for Anorak’s club nite “CANCELLED” all over East London soon. It’s the show the authorities tried to ban! (How’s that for an endorsement, Councillor Ali?)
Posted: 23rd, August 2010 | In: Music Comment | TrackBack | Permalink