
Anorak News | Mary Bale You Legend: Woman Putting Cat In Wheelie Bin In Coventry Is Facebook Hero

Mary Bale You Legend: Woman Putting Cat In Wheelie Bin In Coventry Is Facebook Hero

by | 24th, August 2010

THE Facebook campaign to name and shame Mary Bale, 50, the woman seen tossing Coventry cat Lola into a wheelie bin (surely rip her to pieces and stuff the bitch in a wheelie bin for 15 hours, it being what right-minded people want – ed) is gathering momentum.

At the time of writing 16,675 have lined up to get her. The woman has spoken with the RSPCA and Coventry Police have given her protection.

Says her mother Celia:

“She absolutely adores cats, she’s an animal lover, it just doesn’t make sense.”

No? Here are some of the supportive comments that are tuning Mary Bale into a hero (of comedy?). Look out for the page Mary Bale – You Legend:

Łukasz Gamrot – I love her! He is so great:D She is like a PiterPan 😀

Pete Forster – This women is a Hero to all the people that have to deal with cat sh*t on there property. Bloody cats are nothing but a pain, trick is to buy a Dog and let it tear the cat to pieces.

NIИa Colada – what was the fuckin point in doing that like? ha ha ha ha

Nick Daniels – There’s no excuse for what she did, but she was probably sick of cats crapping in her garden. I know I am. Especially when my kids have to play amongst it.

Brian Kelley – There are too many Tom Herberts in the world- all they do is shit in your garden, inhabit territory that used to belong to forests & wildlife and cry about their ongoing inability to meet a girl. Anybody got a dumpster?

Clare Harding – Is it wrong that I laughed? lol x

Alec Rankin – one less cat shitting in someones garden i suppose. That’s got to be a good thing

Leigh Kavanagh – Give her a medal the woman is a hero, cats are horrible shiity animals, if you leave your pet alone in the street then things will happen to it. Keep em chained up in the house if you want em to be pets, not shitting all over other peoples gardens

Sean O Sullivan – HAHAHAHAHA this is sheer brilliance

Cats – the kindest, cuddliest ruthless killers on the street.


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Posted: 24th, August 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews Comments (68) | TrackBack | Permalink