
Anorak News | English Defence League Take On Unite Against Fascism In Bradford (In Photos)

English Defence League Take On Unite Against Fascism In Bradford (In Photos)

by | 28th, August 2010

THE ENGLISH Defence League (EDL) v Unite Against Fascism (UAF) in Bradford was billed as a battle. Police have erected an 8ft-high temporary barricade around the city’s Urban Gardens, where the EDL were due to meet. There were metal detectors and more security than at a Katie Price wedding. Indeed, the security outnumbers the teams who met for their habitual weekend get together.

Signs held aloft proclaim:

“I support women’s rights therefore I am an infidel”

“Every new mosque is a nail in Britain’s coffin”

“No Sharia law”

The Hope Not Hate blog reports:

A journalist was interviewing a young Asian lad outside the EDL protest asking him about his views on the EDL coming to town. in a deep Scottish accent the Asian lad said he didn’t see it was a problem. At whch, one of our supporters pipped up, “that’s because you are involved in the Scottish Defence League.”

An exchanged occured, during which the Asian lad said that there were no nazis in the Scottish Defence League. “Then are you going to stop those two from coming on your demo?” our HnH supporter said, point at Charlie Robertson and Max Dunbar, two leading BNP supporters from Glasgow [sic].

The EDL website trails the event with photos of masked Asian youth holding sticks. There is no explanation as to what this image is or where it came from.

The EDL website reports that police are talking up the prospect of violence, and:

The PLO is at present liaising with the Police as to how EDL members who attend Bradford will get from the muster point to the demo point and some changes may have to be agreed as to this…

The PLO is not a new dynamic element to the meeting of acronyms but more likely Police Liaison Officer.

Joining the EDL, UAF, PLO and COPS are BT (Bradford Together), which organised a “peace vigil” outside the council offices on Jacobs and the BWP (Bradford Women for Peace) which held its own event for “peace, unity and solidarity”.

BFC (Bradford Football Club) lost 0-2 away to at Southend…


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EDL supporters are watched by police in Bradford today during a demonstration in the city.

Posted: 28th, August 2010 | In: Politicians Comment | TrackBack | Permalink