
Anorak News | Maggie Thatcher Grins At The Saatchi Gallery In Photos

Maggie Thatcher Grins At The Saatchi Gallery In Photos

by | 10th, September 2010

SO. There were former British Prime Minister’s John Major and Baroness Margaret Thatcher listening to a speech by Maurice Saatchi at the Saatchi and Saatchi and M&C Saatchi Party at the Saatchi Gallery, London. Anorak sat and tried to work out how many times you can get the name “Saatchi” into one sentence. The record is held by Peter Mandelson (also at the party), who is believed to toss and turn at night mumbling the word over and over and over and over…


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Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber and wife Madeleine Gurdon arrive at the Saatchi and Saatchi and M&C Saatchi Party at the Saatchi Gallery, London.

Posted: 10th, September 2010 | In: Politicians 2 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink