
Anorak News | The Argyll Sutherland Highlanders Prepare For Afghanistan And The Media Hangs On Celebrity Pastor Terry Jones’s Every Word: Photos

The Argyll Sutherland Highlanders Prepare For Afghanistan And The Media Hangs On Celebrity Pastor Terry Jones’s Every Word: Photos

by | 10th, September 2010

THE Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, 5th Battalion, the Royal Regiment of Scotland, are making ready to head to Afghanistan. Meanwhile, Pastor Terry Jones makes his big statement – and the media tunes in. All of it. No news bulletin is complete without mention of this moment’s biggest D-list celebrity.

It’s all entertainment, viewers. Will the man with the handlebar moustache from Hicksville US of A burn the Koran and start a global war on the telly? Will the TV news feature footage of excitable gurning loons burning Old Glory? Will people die in a radio-controlled war?

You want it more extreme? OK, Pastor what will you do for an encore now you’re a celeb and media is hanging on your every word? “Well,” says the man in the burning robes, “I’ll set fire to my moustache unless Ground Zero is declared a Muslim–free zone and Coleen stays with Wayne Rooney.”

The news media goes nuts. Barack Obama in a desperate bid to look relevant and not in the least bit Muslim puts down his TV guide and says, “Ask yourself not what America can do for you but what Jay-Z would do in the same situation I’m in. Or Paris Hilton. Or the little one from Jersey Shore.”

And away from the limelight, the soldiers and their loved ones attend the Pre-Deployment Service at Canterbury Cathedral in Kent. The young soldiers – and they are young –  lark about.  And when they pause and lie alone in their cots, all they can really think about is coming home…


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A soldier from The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, 5th Battalion, the Royal Regiment of Scotland straightens his beret before a Pre-Deployment Service at Canterbury Cathedral in Kent as they prepare to leave for Afghanistan.

Posted: 10th, September 2010 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink